Competences in Nuclear Services

Our nuclear services focus on the radiological and material characterization of nuclear residual and waste materials. We offer wide-ranging knowledge in nuclear technologies such as radiation measurement techniques, waste management concepts and nuclear simulations.
As a contractor to waste producers, we have carried out numerous measurement campaigns since 2012 in order to characterize radioactive waste. The documentation for final disposal was generated for qualification of the waste packages in line with the regulatory requirements. AiNT has the license to dispatch staff to undertake on-site measurements in controlled area and has technical qualified personnel for radiation protection. Several expert statements from the TSOs confirm the suitability of the applied measuring methods and performed campaigns by AiNT for the radiological characterization according to the regulatory requirements.
AiNT develops decommissioning strategies and concepts for the conditioning and packaging of radioactive waste in which we particularly highlight opportunities for cost savings. We support our customers in preparation of application documents and campaign related process plans for process qualification and provide expert advice in the licensing and authorization process.
Furthermore, we perform nuclear simulations based on precise modeling for applications such as radiation transport calculations, determination of activation of materials and modeling of non- destructive measurement systems. With high expectations to our work, we are open to support our customers in their challenging tasks and offer engineering and nuclear services for the safe, effective and efficient management of radioactive waste.