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The closure and decommissioning of nuclear power plants, particularly power reactors, present high demands regarding planning and authorization to all parties involved. In the ongoing decade several nuclear power plants will be shut down due to their operating life and political decisions, not only in Europe, but also worldwide. As a result, optimized decommissioning strategies will need  to be well-coordinated among all participants.

The ICOND focuses on the relevant legal parameters in Germany and compares decommissioning strategies worldwide. This includes roles of authorization, financial planning, and change management in the transition from nuclear power plant to decommissioned project. Furthermore the different options for interim storage and disposal of radioactive waste are discussed.


ICOND addresses operators of nuclear plants and companies who are working on the planning, implementation and supervision of decommissioning projects; authorities and technical experts whose focus includes the approval and supervisions procedure of decommissioning projects; and research institutions, which are responsible for the dismantling of research reactors and the storage and/or disposal of radioactive hazardous waste.

ICOND will enable participants to proficiently discuss the challenges of the decommissioning of nuclear plants in a practical way, and to define optimal planning variants for decommissioning implementation. Simultaneous translation (German/English) will be available.


Eurogress Aachen
Monheimsallee 48
52062 Aachen




The ICOND always addresses current aspects of nuclear decommissioning and increasingly includes the resulting experience.

The reviews of the conference contents and impressions of the past years can be found at the above year figures:

As in previous years, the Aachen Institute for Nuclear Training GmbH (AiNT) once again organized the International Conference on Nuclear Decommissioning (ICOND) in 2023; one of the most important industry gatherings in the field of nuclear decommissioning and the disposal of radioactive waste. This year, for the twelfth time, important innovations and current developments were presented and discussed by 33 speakers to more than 280 participants from 16 countries. The focus was not only on professional/technical aspects, but also on social and political aspects. Numerous major specialist companies also took part in ICOND 2023, presenting their products and services in the accompanying exhibition.

In the pre-conference workshop on November 13, 2023, the speakers presented their current products and services for nuclear decommissioning. Innovative and highly sophisticated measurement techniques as well as dismantling, decontamination and treatment processes were clearly presented to the participants.

In November 2022 the 11th ICOND again took place at the Eurogress in Aachen. More than 460 participants and 51 companies presented their products and services in the accompanying exhibition. The biggest ICOND so far.

The pre-conference workshop was dedicated to innovative methods and technologies of radioactive waste and plant characterization, as well as material transport during dismantling. The most modern coating process, cold gas spraying, was also presented. This coating process allows corrosion and wear resistant coatings with high final density, high thermal and electrical conductivity and homogeneity.

The keynote was given by Dr. Cord-Heinrich Lefhalm, Head of Decommissioning Management at RWE Nuclear GmbH with his talk about “Innovations for efficient dismantling “. After he had outlined the decommissioning progress in the RWE fleet, he explained the optimization potential for increasing efficiency on concrete projects. The particular challenges of implementing these optimizations in the industrial nuclear environment were analysed by him and numerous questions were asked from the audience. Peter Berben, Head of ENGIES´s Decision for Decommissioning and Management of Radioactive Waste, gave a status update on the Belgian decommissioning program. Presentations in the thematic block “Strategies and Market Developments” presented VR-supported decommissioning projects, as well as holistic AI-based project planning tools that enable efficiency improvements in decommissioning projects. Subsequently, ongoing projects and lessons learned were presented. Dr. Ralf Versemann (Hochtemperatur - Kernkraftwerk GmbH) presented the experiences after 25 years of safe enclosure of the thorium high-temperature reactor (THTR). Representatives of the Spanish stat-owned company for the decommissioning and disposal of nuclear facilities and waste (ENRESA) vividly presented the entire dismantling of the Jose Cabrera NPP. Tuesday’s grand finale was the Conference Dinner sponsored by ENGIE and EQUANS at Schloss Rahe. After an extensive dinner a DJ created an exuberant party atmosphere.

The dismantling of a reactor building ceiling crane by means of scaffolding, as well as the topics: robotics, cutting and decontamination technologies, as well as the modelling of logistics in the NPP were presented on the second day of the conference in the thematic block “Decommissioning Technologies”. Newly developed tools, such as a mobile attachment for automated crack milling or for cold cutting of nozzles of the reactor pressure vessel were presented. Thierry Delvigne from Syscade opened with his presentation on improved activity determination of waste drums on “Plant and Waste Characterization” and Dr. Bo Cederwall concluded with his presentation of neutron gamma emission tomography. The last day of the conference was opened by Niels Belmans from the SCK CEN Academy on the “EURAD School of Radioactive Waste Management & Release”. Arne Larsson from Cyclife Sweden AB rounded off the topic block "Residual material management & release" with his presentation on the release and recycling of metals into new products, to a coherent overall package.

Proven network formats such as “Business Speed Networking” were also very popular again. At the "Get Together" numerous new business deals and cooperations were initiated in a relaxed atmosphere. As part of the “Exhibitor Road Show”, the exhibiting companies introduced themselves to several small groups within 2 minutes. Students and young professionals established initial contacts with potential future employers in the “Meet your Company”. We were enthused about the positive feedback and are look forward to welcoming you back to the ICOND 2023 (Nov 13th-16th 2023) in Aachen.



WEB_ICOND_BoA_2022.pdf (5.4 MiB)

Anniversary for the ICOND! The 10th ICOND could again take place in October 2021 as a presence event in the Eurogress Aachen. While 37 speakers lectured on market developments and their experiences with international dismantling projects, 45 companies presented their products and services in the fully booked exhibition. Due to the pandemic, there were fewer international participants, but the attendees made good use of the opportunities for new contacts at the proven Business Speed Networking, the Get Together or the Exhibitor Road Show. During the Exhibitor Road Show, participants were guided through the exhibition and the contact persons of the companies presented their decommissioning specific services and products.

The pre-conference workshop focused on the topics of innovative products and process digitalization. Among others, innovative products for laser cutting, laser decontamination, robotics and non-destructive characterization were presented.

The conference was opened by David Peattie, CEO of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority UK, who spoke about current market developments in the UK. How companies are successfully navigating the growing global return market was presented by Dr Jochen Latz of McKinsey & Company, Inc. The presentations by Dr Gabriele Greifeneder of PreussenElektra and Prof. Hartmut Gaßner of the law firm Gassner, Groth, Siederer & Coll. addressed the issue of landfilling cleared radioactive resdues from German NPP decommissioning and rounded off the numerous international contributions.

Due to the Corona pandemic, the 9th edition of ICOND took place in the form of a virtual conference called ICOND DIGITAL 2020.
On the first day, the pre-recorded presentations, which were released in blocks, dealt with the topics of strategies and market developments. Here, Dr. Guido Knott, Managing Director of the largest German operator of nuclear power plants, presented the "Deconstruction Strategy for the Power Plant Fleet of PreussenElektra". In the thematic block "Project status and experience", Bernhard Olm spoke about the "Planning and construction of a dismantling hall for the large components" of EWN. In the cooperation lecture between ORANO and EWN, the "Remotely handled dismantling and packaging of activated waste and core internals" was presented.

The second day focused on digitalization concepts in the context of decommissioning. Various presentations showed the opportunities and optimization potential through the digitalization of decommissioning processes. The second block of the day focused on the latest decontamination processes, such as laser decontamination, among others.
The last day of ICOND DIGITAL 2020 was dedicated to the topic of characterization & waste management, where practical aspects and technical advances were presented on the basis of various projects for the radiological and material characterization of radioactive waste.

The 8th edition of ICOND took place in November 2019 at the Eurogress Aachen in cooperation with ENGIE. More than 370 international participants visited this year´s ICOND and were informed about current market developments by 32 expert speakers. In the accompanying and significantly enlarged exhibition, 48 companies presented their products and services.

The conference was opened by Mr. Henry Cordes, Chairman of the EWN Management Board, with a presentation on EWN´s waste treatment strategies and the planned ESTRAL interim storage. Slightly more than half of the contributions came from abroad, for example Mr. Martin Andreasson from NND presented on the decommissioning planning of nuclear facilities in Norway, while Dr. Cédric Carasco from the CEA in France gave a lecture on techniques currently under development for the characterization of radioactive waste.

Our Business Speed Networking and the ensuing Get Together enabled participants to make new contacts and get in contact with other experts, while the exhibitors were able to present themselves to individually guided groups during an Exhibitor Road Show.

The ICOND 2018 was opened with a key note by Stephan Krüger from PreussenElektra. As the responsible manager for the decommissioning of the company's nuclear power plants, he explained the fleet strategy for optimized dismantling.

The growing number of international contributions shared experiences of foreign participants. For example, the current status of the decommissioning of the nuclear power plant ZION in the USA was the subject of a lecture. In the Pre-Conference Workshop, European participants, supplemented by national presentations, spoke about new technologies in the field of dismantling such as Laser Cutting Technology, Surface Treatment or Measurement Systems.

In addition, there were presentations on project organization and market development. Dr. Jochen Latz of McKinsey & Company focused on market perspectives for the decommissioning of nuclear facilities and relevant success factors to successfully assert oneself internationally in the field of dismantling.

In November 2017, ICOND took place for the sixth time in cooperation with TÜV Rheinland and the Belgian companies TECNUBEL and TRACTEBEL. With 310 participants from nearly twenty nations, the number of participants increased for the third year in a row. More than twenty companies used the fully booked exhibition space in the Eurogress Aachen to present their dismantling-specific products and services to the specialist audience.

ICOND 2017 focused on the reorientation of the nuclear industry due to the nuclear phase-out in Germany. Miss Dr. Ruth Welsing of the law firm Kümmerlein, attorneys and notaries presented the changes by the law on the reorganization of responsibility in nuclear waste disposal adopted in 2017. According to the law, the power plant operators are to be responsible for the entire handling and financing of the areas of decommissioning, dismantling and professional packaging radioactive waste. However, the federal government will be responsible for the "implementation and financing of interim and final storage" in the future. Mr. Wolfgang Honetschläger, responsible for the dismantling projects at EnBW Kernkraft GmbH, spoke about the holistic strategy for the dismantling of EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG. The presented corporate strategy dealt with the following tasks: approval and personnel management, disposal of residues and final disposal preparations. The first decommissioning activities in Neckarwestheim were presented.

The international exchange of experience took place both in plenary sessions, based on initial presentations by participants from Taiwan and Russia, and during the Pre-Conference Workshop, which for the first time focused on the specific features of the decommissioning of nuclear research institutions.

The fifth International Conference on Nuclear Decommissioning (ICOND)  was held in November 2016 in cooperation with TUV Rheinland and the Belgian company TECNUBEL in the Eurogress in Aachen. Of the approximately 290 participants, 32% came from abroad, underscoring the trend of an increasing internationalization of ICOND. In addition, more than twenty companies presented new products and services throughout the event and used the opportunity to cultivate or establish contacts.

The focus of the 2016  ICOND was on the latest developments in the fields of decommissioning and nuclear waste disposal, as well as on experiences from ongoing decommissioning projects in Germany and abroad. Ms. Heinen-Esser, Managing Director of the newly founded Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung (BGE), presented the results of the “Commission on the Storage of High-level Radioactive Waste.” Mr. Homan, Managing Director of PreussenElektra, reported on the planning of their own decommissioning projects and future developments.

The „4th International Conference on Nuclear Decommissioning – ICOND“ was in 2015 again organized in cooperation with the TÜV Rheinland and was held for the first time in the recently opened World Conference Center in Bonn, Germany. In addition to the 250 Participants two dozen companies used the opportunity to establish contacts and present new products in the exhibition area of the brand new and modern conference center.

The scope of participants in 2015 comprised representatives of the industry, technical supervision, security commissions, regulatory authorities and utilities as well as representatives of the national and international press. The conference focused subtasks of the decommissioning projects and technologies which are needed therefore, compared decommission strategies and presented legal frame conditions.

With 27% participation from abroad the internationality increased compared to the previous years, which reflects the interest in innovative decommission technologies and the experiences in Germany.

During the Pre-Conference Workshop participants shared experiences about various technologies from worldwide decommissioning projects. The beginning of the conference focused on economic optimization approaches of nuclear decommissioning and got completed with the panel discussion about time and cost risks during the decommission. Within the 32 lectures the speakers presented beside the current status of the nuclear phase out in Germany also different international perspectives and strategies.

We are glad about the positive feedback and the great interest in the ICOND, to which we will gladly welcome you again in November 2016.

The ICOND 2014 was organized in cooperation with TÜV Rheinland and the british company Amec, today Amec Foster Wheeler, in the CCW of Messe Essen, Germany.  The conference brought 300 representatives from industry, technical monitoring and regulatory authorities together. Experts from RWE, E.ON, Vattenfall, EnBW, EDF, GDF Suez and Belgonucléaire were among the participants. The majority of the participants were from the operational and strategic management.

Due to 25% foreign participation, the ICOND 2014 was more international than the previous years. Key issues of the Pre-Conference Workshop for the international participants were options and strategies to access the German market. Also the legally and administrative framework in Germany and innovative dicommsissioning technologies were presented.

Legal aspects of a possible foundation model to fund the decommissioning and disposal of radioactive waste in Germany were mainly discussed at the conference. Furthermore strategies for dismantling management and cost effective decommissioning were introduced from foreign speakers. How can we keep up with the calculated time and budget and which risks do exist?

Especially discussed was the benchmarking of decommissioning project management. The disposal and final storage of radioactive waste, as well as the new EU Basic Safety Standards including the regulations for release were part of the final topic session. The opportunity of the accompanying exhibition used 26 companies to get in touch with decision makers and to present new products.

The ICOND 2013 was carried out in cooperation with the TÜV Rheinland at the Eurogress Aachen congress centre. Over 300 participants - mainly representatives of the nuclear industry and utilities - discussed the current challenges of the nuclear power plant decommissioning caused by the phase out concept of the federal government. The speakers presented at the conference their expertise and best practice solutions and encouraged so discussions with the audience. The topics included decommissioning strategies and project management. In particular this addressed the question: What core competencies are recommended to hold by the utilities and which range of activities should be covered, from an economic point of view, by the service or supplier industry?

Speakers and participants also grappled with the competence and motivation preservation in a changing corporate structure. In relation to this issue concrete procedures in the field of change management were presented. In addition, the treatment of waste from decommissioning radioactive waste has been an issue. The possibilities and constraints of the two disposal concepts "cut and packaging" and "long time storage" were analyzed and compared. The President of the German Atomic Forum, Dr. Ralf Güldner, addressed in his opening speech the actual situation in Germany, where he does not expect an operating license for final disposal Konrad before 2021. A total of 17 companies took advantage of the accompanying exhibition, to present their expertise and to establish the basis for follow up discussions with potential customers. Retrospective the representatives of the exhibiting companies welcomed the quality of discussions and questions from the participants.

"We welcome the dialogue on strategic and technical approval tasks between the experts" said the Managing Director of AiNT Andreas Havenith and amend "with the ICOND 2013 in Aachen, we would like to point out the good infrastructure and expertise in the region of Aachen and Jülich" Since the winter term 2010 the master program Nuclear Safety Engineering exists at the RWTH Aachen University.

The International Conference on Nuclear Decommissioning 2012 was organized by AiNT in cooperation with TÜV Rheinland. The event with 300 participants and 10 exhibitors was fully booked. The lectures dealt with the withdrawal from nuclear energy and the according parameters predetermined by the German Federal Government. Two lawyers discussed the legal aspects of the decommissioning and post-shut-down-phase. Other speakers also talked about different possibilities to tighten and speed-up the approval procedure. Companies working in the nuclear industry and the operators of nuclear power plants presented successful decommissioning projects. Furthermore the lessons learned from the experience so far were discussed.




12:00 LUNCH
13:00 Welcome
Dr. Luc Schlömer – AiNT GmbH


13:15 Belgian Nuclear Landscape Opportunity to Collaborate
Peter Berben - ENGIE Nuclear
13:40 General Approach to the Decommissioning and Processing of Sludge Generated in the Long-Term-Storage at the A1 NPP
Miroslav Toth – Vuje Norge A.S.
14:05 Change Management in the AVR Dismantling Project - Well-Prepared for the Final Dismantling Phase
Marco Steinbusch – JEN mbH
14:30 Metrological Challenges in Dismantling and Possible Solutions - a Brief Overview
Dr. Matthias Fritzsche – Mirion Technologies (Canberra) GmbH
15:30 Radiological Monitoring Systems for Waste Characterisation in the Environment of our Decomissioning Solutions
Dr. Marina Sokcic-Kostic – NUKEM Technologies Engineering
15:55 Application of 3-D Modelling in Practical Radiation Protection Applications and Training
Franz Borrmann – IUS Institut für Umwelttechnologien und Strahlenschutz GmbH
16:20 A Digital Twin Approach to Radiological Clearance and Nuclear Decommissioning using modern web applications and 3D visualization
Alexander Willkomm – aixITem GmbH &
Jakob Hirn – BuildInformed GmbH
16:45 Industrialization of the cleanNUC Laser Decontamination Technology for NPP - New Market Driven Solutions
Sergej Retich – Clean Lasersysteme GmbH
17:10 Hatch Introduced Wave Blast Technology Concept at ICOND 2023. The Technology has been Going Through Development for Commercialization, and the progress will be updated
Brian Gihm – Hatch Ltd.



Prof. Dr. Bruno Thomauske & Dr. Luc Schlömer – AiNT GmbH



13:15 Challenges in Dismantling from the Perspective of PreussenElektra
Michael Bongartz – PreussenElektra GmbH
13:40 Nuclear Licensing and Supervision of the Decommissioning and Dismantling of the Gundremmingen II Nuclear Power Plant (KRB II)
Ulrich Wiedenmann – Bayrisches Staatsministerium für Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz
14:05 Current Status of Nuclear Administrative Procedures in Niedersachsen - Germany
Andreas Sikorski & Silva Smalian – Nieders. Ministerium für Umwelt, Energie, Bauen und Klimaschutz
14:30 Challenges in Dismantling from the Experts Perspective
Dr. Hans Koopman – TÜV NORD EnSys GmbH & Co. KG
14:55 The Challenge of D&D - Efficient Cooperation between Authorities, Experts and Waste Producers - From an International Perspective
Tetiana Kilochytska & Shinichi Higuchi – IAEA
15:20 COFFEE BREAK sponsored by PEDI



16:15 International Experience and Technology Benchmarks in Decommissioning and Waste Management for Site Regeneration
Rudy Koenig – Jacobs UK Limited
Boiling Water Reactors - Optimised Dismantling through Parallel pre- and post-Dismantling - Experiences from Projects in Germany and Sweden
Fabian Attenberger – NUKEM Technologies Engineering GmbH





09:00 First Experiences with Dismantling in China
Ruizhi Li – China Institute of Atomic Energy
09:25 Success Factors and Lessons Learned from Uniper’s Swedish D&D Program’s first Half-Time
Dr. Martin Amft – Sydkraft Nuclear Power AB
09:50 COFFEE BREAK sponsored by PEDI
10:45 Innovation and Characterization Solutions and Strategies for Waste Optimization at Garoña NPP D&D by Enresa
Diego Espejo – Enresa S.A.
11:10 Decommissioning Strategies in France
Hugo Mejia – Cyclife
11:35 Full System Decontamination - A Sustainable Way to Reach More Challenging Targets on Waste Reclassification
Pedro Moreira – Framatome GmbH &
Dimitri Demeyere - Engie Electrabel



12:00 Counting, Measuring, Weighing with Al and 3D Scans for Enhanced Efficiency in Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioning
Dr. Stefan Hörmann – Aurivus GmbH
12:25 AI in Practice: Experience and Perspectives from the Decommissioning Plant Gundremmingen
Carsten George – RWE Nuclear GmbH
12:50 LUNCH
13:45 NWL – Digitalization in Nuclear Waste Management
Philip Borck – BGE mbH
14:10 Document Creation with the Help of AI
Thomas Kopinski - TH Südwestfalen



14:35 Feasibility Study for the Usage of 3D Printed Tools in a Radiochemical Laboratory
Patrick Haass & Lars Grooten – NRG
Thoughts on German Waste Management Strategies
Michelle Dicksinson - Jacobs Clean Energy Ltd
A Review of the Challenges of Waste Management and Decommissioning of Future Fusion Power Plants
Nick Sykes – UK Atomic Energy Authority
15:50 COFFEE BREAK sponsored by PEDI
Development and Test of a Sorting System for Soil with Conventional and Radiological Contamination
Dr. Christoph Klein – NUKEM Technologies Engineering Services GmbH
16:40 Radiological Caracterization of the Control Area of the Large Hot Cells of the JEN in Jülich
Uwe Königs – WTI GmbH



17:05 Successor Regulations of the KTA Standards for Nuclear Power Plants and Research Reactors
Dominic Krönung – BMUV
sponsored by  





09:00 Safety: Today and Tomorrow
Dr. Daniela Gutberlet – Westfälische Hochschule
09:25 EducTUM - An Interactive Platform for Education and Training as well as the Maintenance of Competence in the non-destructive Analysis of Radioactive Materials from Decommissioning and Dismantling
Dr. Thomas Bücherl – TU München
10:15 COFFEE BREAK sponsored by PEDI



10:30 Use of Rovers and Drons for Site Release Characterization
Dr. José Luis Leganes Nieto – Enresa S.A.

10:55 Planning a Laboratory for Release-Related Laboratory Measurements
Dr. Bettina Grauel – Dornier
11:20 Concept for Freeing Standing Structures Using the Example of the Decommissioned Research Reactor Proteus at the Paul Scherrer Institute
Dr. Fritz Leibundgut – Paul Scherrer Institut
11:45 Clearance in Bavarian Nuclear Facilities Using the Example of KKI 1
Sven Böhringer – LfU Bayern
12:10 The Challenge of Final Disposal - Between Contaminated Sites and High-Tech
Dr. Thomas Lautsch – Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH





This is the booth plan for the exhibition of the ICOND 2024.


The ICOND-Team
is available  
from Monday to Friday
8:00 am to 3:00 pm (CET) at
+49 2402 10215-00.



If you are interested in an exhibition space, please contact us. Exhibition equipment and furniture can be provided. We will be happy to send you an inventory list upon request.

Our exhibitor information brochure with application form
you can download HERE.




We will offer the business speed networking for participants in 2024 once again. Present yourself and your company to different participants. You will receive an individual run card with the table numbers to visit.

The concept in short:

• 5 persons per table and round
• 2 minutes to present yourself and your company
• after 10 minutes you move to the next table

Make up to 20 new contacts within an hour. Subsequently or during events like "Get Together" or "Conference Dinner" you may deepen these contacts individually.


PARTICIPANT DATA (please enter names for several participants under REMARKS)
Please calculate 2 plus 3.

By submitting the booking form, you agree that your data will be used to process your request (further information and revocation instructions can be found in the privacy policy).


Eurogress Aachen
Monheimsallee 48
52062 Aachen - Germany


November 18th - 21st, 2024
Entire Program
€ 1.395 / Participant

November 19th - 21st, 2024
without Pre-Conference Workshop
€ 1.295 / Participant

All prices excl. VAT.


  • Participation in the booked event
  • Full Catering during the event
  • Participation in all items on the agenda such as Business Speed Networking, Exhibitor Road Show, Get Together, Conference Dinner
  • Access to the presentation slides in PDF-form in a password-protected area

icond_2024_participant_registrat.pdf (58.4 KiB)


The ICOND-Team
is available  
from Monday to Friday
8:00 am to 3:00 pm (CET) at
+49 2402 10215-00.



We have compiled an overview of event-related hotels:


icond_hotels_aachen_2024_en.pdf (58.6 KiB)


Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions.
Status of the information 13.01.2023


The International Conference on Nuclear Decommissioning (ICOND) is held on an annual basis. The same questions often come up from employees, visitors and exhibitors. In order to answer these questions more quickly, we have created the FAQ.


In which form will the ICOND 2024 take place?

The ICOND will be held exclusively as a face-to-face event.

How many participants are expected at ICOND 2024?

This year we expect more than 400 participants.

How many exhibitors will be at ICOND 2024?
This year about 60 companies will present themselves in the exhibition. Under the tab "Exhibitors" you will find all exhibitors.
How many speakers will present during ICOND 2024?

Around 40 speakers will share their experiences and projects.

I have suggestions for improvement and/or constructive criticism.

We appreciate your active contribution to optimize the ICOND! Please contact Ms. Schunk at +49 2402-102 15 00 or via

How do I register?

You can register under the tab "Booking" or use our BOOKING FORM and please send this to

Can I register for individual days?

You can decide individually on which days you would like to participate. Please contact us at

Can I spontaneously participate in the ICOND?

You can also attend the ICOND without pre-registration. A registration takes place at our registration desk at the venue. - Please note that the conference fee must be paid in cash.

What is included in the conference fee of participants?
  • Access to simultaneously translated presentations
  • Access to the exhibition
  • Business Speed Networking
  • Exhibitor Road Show
  • Get Together
  • Conference Dinner
  • Full catering concept (all drinks, snacks and lunch are included)
How can I pay my ticket?

After registration we will promptly issue an invoice and ask for bank transfer within the specified period. In exceptional cases, you can pay cash at the beginning of the event at the registration desk by previous arrangement.

When will I receive a registration confirmation?

You will receive a registration confirmation and invoice within 5 working days via E-Mail. If you do not receive a response within this period, please contact Ms. Schunk at +49 2402 -102 15 00 or via

Are there any discount arrangements for participants?

If you participate with at least five persons (all identical billing address), we can grant special conditions. Please contact Mrs. Schunk at +49 2402-102 15 00 or via

I would like to register several participants at the same time, is that possible?

You can enter the number of participants in the " Booking " tab and add additional participants under “remarks”.

I am an exhibitor. Can I register booth staff at a reduced rate?

You can register a maximum of 2 persons as booth personnel (NO admission to the lectures!). You will find the registration for this in the exhibitor registration form. If you would like to attend the presentations, please register as a regular participant.

What is included in the booth staff fee?
  • Access to the exhibition
  • Business Speed Networking
  • Exhibitor Road Show
  • Get Together
  • Conference Dinner
  • Full catering concept (all drinks, snacks and lunch are included)
I would like to exhibit. Where can I find more information?

You can find initial exhibitor information HERE. You are welcome to contact us regarding questions or a booking at  

What is included in the exhibition fees?
  • Booth space
  • electricity
  • WIFI-access

We are offer you furniture solutions. No participants are included in the booth price. You have the possibility to register booth staff for a reduced rate. Please use the exhibitor registration form.

Will there be a print version of the 2024 Book of Abstracts and what is the circulation?
There will be a printed Book of Abstract for ICOND 2024. It will include the abstracts of the presentations, company profiles and the ICOND program. We intend a print run of 1,000 copies. The Book of Abstracts will be handed out to each participant at the ICOND and will also be sent by mail to national as well as international users and interested parties.
At what times can I set up and dismantle my booth

The exhibition can be set up on Monday, 18.11.2024 between 10 am to 4 pm. 

Dismantling will take place on Thursday, 21.11.2024 between 2 pm to 4 pm.


Is there a power supply?

Each stand has a 220V supply.

When does the booked furniture arrive?

The booked furniture will arrive during the set-up times on Monday.

I am not an exhibitor at the ICOND but would still like to advertise my company with a company profile in the Book of Abstracts. Is that possible?

Yes, you are welcome to present your company in the Book of Abstracts on a single or double page, as required, and to present nuclear-specific services or technologies. For booking, please complete the application and the template available here. If you have any questions or comments, please contact Ms. Schunk at +49 2402 10215 00 or via

How can I sponsor the ICOND?

We offer an individual solution for every company size and budget. Whether you are interested in tote bag or lanyard sponsorship, want your company logo on the napkins at the luncheon, or want the Get Together to be held in your name - contact us! Ms. Schunk will be happy to advise you at +49 2402-10215 00 or via

Are there any options to present my company?

You can present your company by placing roll-ups in the lecture room.  Ms. Schunk will be happy to advise you at +49 2402-10215 00 or via

Which furniture can be booked?

Furniture cat.1:

  • Bar table 1
  • Bar chair 2

Furniture cat. 2:

  • Bridge table (180cm) 1
  • bar chair 4

Furniture cat. 3:

  • Bridge table (120cm) 1
  • bar chair 4
  • Info counter 1

We are also happy to satisfy your individual wishes.

What is the delivery address?

Eurogress Aachen
ICOND – Booth number XX
Monheimsallee 48
52062 Aachen

Where can I find the current program?

The program for the next ICOND will be published soon. On our website under the tab “Program”. Please note that the program can change and the print media cannot always be up to date.

I would like to submit a presentation.

We welcome your contribution! Please send us your short completed contribution form to

Will the presentations be published?

A summary of the presentations can be found in the Book of Abstracts. The presentation slides will be made available for download by participants in a password-protected area after the ICOND. Each participant will receive the password in their name badge.

How long will the presentation slides be available at the media libary?

The presentation slides will be available in the media library for registered attendees until Dec. 23, 2023, and can be viewed at any time.

What is the Business Speed Networking?

During Business Speed Networking, you can make up to 20 new contacts within 60 minutes.

The principle in a nutshell:

  • 5 people per bar table and round
  • 2 minutes time to present yourself and your company

after 10 minutes there is a change within 2 minutes to the next table

How will exhibitors be involved in the ICOND program?

Exhibitors will be included as part of the established Exhibitor Road Show (2 minutes of exhibitor presentation time to a smaller guided group).

What is the Meet your Company?

Companies which are looking for skilled workers enable students and young professionals to participate in the ICOND by paying their conference fee. During the "Meet your Company" event, short discussions are held to get to know each other, which can be deepened during the subsequent Get Together.

How can I apply for sponsorship as a student or young professional?

Please apply using this form.

What does the sponsorship involve?

The sponsorship includes the cost coverage by a company for the entire participation in the ICOND (excl. travel to and from the event & accommodation). You will have to pay for your own travel and accommodation costs.

My company would like to participate in Meet your Company and sponsor student(s) or young professional(s).

We are looking forward to your request! Please contact Ms. Schunk at +49 2402-102 15 00 or via

Which hotels can you recommend?
HERE you can find a list of conveniently located hotels as well as information on individual contingent arrangements (valid until 6 weeks before the start) for ICOND participants.
What is the nearest airport to ICOND?

By plane, we recommend arriving via the nearest airports Cologne (approx. 80 km away) or Düsseldorf (90 km). Brussels and Frankfurt airports are 150 km and 250 km away respectively.

What is the nearest train station to ICOND?

Aachen HBF as the nearest train station is located about 1.8 km from the venue Eurogress.

What is the name of the bus stop at the ICOND venue?

The name of the bus stop is Eurogress.

Is there a public transportation schedule?

You can check your bus connection under the following link: Bus schedule Aachen

You can simply mark the start and destination on the map.

I will be traveling by car. Are there parking possibilities at the venue?

About 100m from the Eurogress is a sufficiently large parking garage (1.00 € / 60 min.)

The name of the parking garage is Eurogress